LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® is lightweight shatterproof safety panel in stone material laminated with glass sheets by FFPROCESS®
High process technology and high new performant raw materials, are essential to have this new excellent panel

Some marbles, granites or stones, gauged in thin thicknesses, gain transparence, outstanding colors and natural drawings. Rare and precious onyxes can be used too, even if they have natural cracks. The decorative thin layer of stone laminated to the glass, combines the beauty of the first to the excellent mechanical characteristics of the last, all in one single new product, the LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS®.

Technical characteristics
To understand the technical characteristic of LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panel is necessary understand the technical characteristic of a common stone-glass panel: the specific gravity of glass is the same as the stone (2700 kg/cu m), so, the glass has only the function of trasparent layer support to thin layer of stone. The weight, in kilograms, of a common stone-glass panel is calculated with the following formula: surface area of the stone-glass panel (example 1.00 sqm) multiplied by the thickness of the stone-glass panel (example 0.016 m), multiplied by their specific weight 2700 kg/cu m (1.00 x 0.016 x 2700 = kg 43.2). So, the weight of a common stone-glass panel of 16 mm thickness is 43,2 kg/sqm. Well, attention please, the weight of LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panel of same thickness 16 mm, is only 32 kg/sqm. This weight reduction is possible thanks to new patent stratification of composite layers of stone and glass that reduce the specific gravity from 2700 kg/cu m to 2000 kg/cu m.
LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® is lightweight shatterproof safety panel, flexible and elastic to shock. Weight 32 kg/sqm.
LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panel stratification, vacuum with heat cycle and in absence of resins, is the maximum quality guarantee in terms of:
• duration
• security purpose (in case of shocks)
• durability of the transparent laminated glass with light transmission rate (except stone) more than 85%

Our working process to guarantee, according to UNE-EN ISO 12543-4:1998 :
• humidity condensation resistance (except stone)
The test is the humidity condensation test, according to UNE-EN ISO 12543-4:1998 “Glass for building. Glass laminated and safety glass laminated. Part 4: Methods of durability test”. The test involve to place some samples vertically into a climate chamber and keep them during two weeks in a temperature of (50+-2)ºC and a relative humidity more than 95%. It is allowed the water condensation on the samples area. Then leave the samples get cold and dry in a normal atmosphere and check in order to verify any failure in the intercalator (bubbles, opacity, etc). Result: satisfactory (a light opacity appears, almost negligible in all the perimeter but over 15 mm from the edge).
• high temperature resistance (except stone)
The test is the high temperature test according to UNE-EN ISO 12543-4:1998 “Glass laminated and safety glass laminated. Part 4: Methods of durability test”. The test involve to introduce the glass into a heater and keep it during 2 hours in a temperature of (100+-3)ºC. Then leave the samples get cold and dry in a normal atmosphere and check in order to verify any failure in the intercalator (bubbles, opacity, etc). Result: satisfactory (no failures and defects in any of the samples tested).
• radiation UV resistance (except stone)
The test is the radiation test according to UNE-EN ISO 12543-4:1998 “Glass for building. Glass laminated and safety glass laminated. Part 4: Methods of durability test”. The test involved to subject the glasses with 2.000 hours of radiation. For that reason, the samples have been placed from 1.100 mm in distance of 16 Ultravitalux lamps which made an area of (1x1) m. The samples place is according to the rule UNE-EN ISO 12543-4:1998 and the temperature was kept to (45+-5)ºC. To evaluate the durability, the illuminated transmission spectrum have been measured between 380nm and 780 nm before the test and 2.000 hours of exposure. It have been made a minimum of three transmission measures of each sample and calculated the average of them. From this point of average of illuminated transmission spectrum have been calculated for every one of them according to the rule UNE-EN 410:1998. Also we inspected the samples in order to check for any failure (bubbles, opacity, etc). Result: satisfactory (after the 2.000 hours of exposure, we can not appreciate any failures in the intercalator).

Usable types of stone
It is possible to use any stone, once being checked in advance for the level of transparency, after gauging to thin thickness.
Usable types of glass
Extra-clear glasses.
LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panels maximum sizes are mm 2800 x 1500.
16 mm (12mm composite layers by extra light glass and super pvb + 4mm stone).
LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panels can be cut by traditional machinery using normal tools of glass industry or marble industry;
Types of application
Interiors: shelves, work plans, internal walls, enlightened walls, enlightened false ceiling, desk tops, tables, door claddings, vanity tops, etc.
LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panels may be used also outdoor, in properly framed metalwork.

Example of two LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panels in pink marble
dimensions of each one: mm 1600 x 1700 x 16
weight of each one: kgs 87

Click on photos to enlarge
day view

view at night (led backlighting system)

Example of two LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panels in pink marble
dimensions of each one: mm 2200 x 700 x 16
weight of each one: kgs 49

Click on photos to enlarge
day view

view at night (led backlighting system)

Example of LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panel in white onyx
dimensions: mm 2100 x 1500 x 16
weight: kgs 100

Click on photos to enlarge
day view

view at night (neon backlighting system)

FACTORY PRODUCTION CONTROL to guarantee the mechanical characteristics of LIGHTWEIGHT STONE GLASS® panels:
• Flexural strength under concentrated load, before and after ageing cycles;
• Rupture energy, before and after ageing cycles;
• Monoaxial Traction, before and after ageing cycles;
• Other specific quality tests for any specific final application

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Lightweight Stone Panel - Made in Italy